Page name: Mystery Science Theater 3000 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-17 01:24:25
Last author: Konobi
Owner: Konobi
# of watchers: 10
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D20: 19
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From left to right: Wise-cracking Crow T. Robot.
Caretaker of the ship Gypsie.
The only human aboard Mike Nelson.
And the one who makes the most fun out of corny theme songs, Tom Servo.

Mystery Science Theater Theme Song

"In the not to distant Future, somewhere in time and space, Mike Nelson and his Robot Pals are caught in an endless chase. Pursued by a women whose name is Pearl. Just an evil gal who wants to rule the world. She threw a few things in her purse and uses a rocket ships she hunts them all across the universe! Pearl: I'll get you! Pearl: I'll send him cheesy movies, the worst I can find. (la la la) He'll have to sit and watch them all and I'll moniter his mind. (la la la) Narrator: Now keep in mind Mike can't control when the movies begin or end. (la la la) He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his robot friends. ROBOT ROLL CALL: Cambot: "Your on" Gypsie: "Oh my" Tom Servo: "Check me out" Crooooow: I'm Different. If you wondering how he eats and breaths another science fact. (la la la) Just keep telling yourself "its just a show I should really just relax." For Mystery Science Theater 3000

"Hello everyone, I'm [Konobi], and welcome to the Satilite of Love. This time, I'll be your host as we tour this magical satilite, making sure to keep out own sanity, and our heads on straight as we laugh way to hard. Tonights veiwing will be completely random, and I will not be able to control when the movie begins or ends. We'll be riffing our way through bad acting, and cheap Grade B movies. Hope to see you in the theater! As for now-- Oh great, we have Movie Sign!!!"

Recent MST Movies | MST Movie of the Week! | MST3K Pictures | MST3K Quotes | MST3K's Joel | Movies that should be Riffed

[Konobi]- Ultimate Fan member of this page, also the creator.
[raw10] Co-header of this site
[someelf] - Member
[Ri'hala]- Member
[Yoruno] - Member
[Dwarf Ronin] - Member
[there's a bluebird in my heart] - Member
[Shadow of the Bat] - Member
[Dasner] - Member
[Beautyeverywhere] - Member
[Crow T. Robot] - Member
[Q_Q] - Member
[Kyrinn] - Member
[TillowFrik] - Member
[M_Sinner] - Member

Updates: Octoober 16, 2006 Wow! After an incredibly long wait from you loyal fans, I have finally returned with new movies! First up, we have The Creeping Terror! Just check the MST Movie of the Week for the full review. Next up I'll be reviewing The Catalina Caper and Bloodlust. Stay tuned, because now, we have commercial sign!

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2004-07-31 [Konobi]: Hi everybody and welcome to the Satalite of Love commonly refered to as SoL

2004-07-31 [KnightAngel]: hello, i dunno what that is, but it sounds fun

2004-07-31 [Konobi]: MST 3000 is a wonderfully comedic show that is nearly unheard of though...

2004-08-04 [Pluto]: It rocks.

2004-08-04 [Konobi]: I finally got some fans ^_^ w00t!

2004-08-05 [Konobi]: Every week i shall be commenting on an awsomely horrible movie and giving reasons why its horrible

2004-08-05 [Ri'hala]: hewo kono ^^

2004-08-05 [Konobi]: hiya Ri

2004-08-07 [Konobi]: Im attempting to make this an informal fun site for everyone...MST3000 is a cult classic...meaning not many ppl have heard of it but among ppl who have seen it makes it popular around only them....sadly the show is off air and you have to rent certain episodes or but them online

2004-08-07 [Konobi]: Mst3000 is basicly a person (Michale J. Nelson) is trapped aboard a Satelite and is forced to watch Horrible movies by an evil girl who wants to rule the world by making the world watch horrible movies....her name is Pearl (played by Mary Jo Pehl methinks...) Mike tries to keep his sanity with his robot pals up in the SoL by making fun of the movies

2004-08-07 [Konobi]: Its almost too funny to describe

2004-08-07 [angel_whispers]: lol, great site konobi ^^

2004-08-07 [someelf]: its here pritty kewl yes! hallow everyone, how are you all?

2004-08-07 [Konobi]: Badges!!! I love my badges!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOO much [raw10] !!!!!!!

2004-08-08 [Shikitty]: i like wiki  :)

2004-08-08 [Konobi]: go ahead...take the servo badge or the Whole gang badge

2004-08-08 [Konobi]: i fixed Crow!

2004-08-19 [Yoruno]: I love the show! I tought I was the only one...

2004-08-20 [Konobi]: No you arnt...although this is a cult clasic O_o

2004-08-20 [Yoruno]: yeah, but I live in Mexico, and it´s not very popular in here...

2004-08-20 [Konobi]: Every week on Friday i will change my movie of the week

2004-08-21 [someelf]: thanks for adding me as a meber konobiness *winks lightly *

2004-08-22 [Konobi]: ^_^ Np

2004-08-23 [someelf]: *smiles and dances around in this wiki*

2004-08-24 [Ri'hala]: add meh on here pleez kono! *whispers TOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTLLLLEEEEESSSS really loud and skips off*

2004-08-30 [Yoruno]: May I join?? Please....?? *lovely big eyes*

2004-08-30 [Konobi]: of course you may join

2004-08-31 [Yoruno]: Whee!!! I´m in! *sigh*

2004-09-02 [Dwarf Ronin]: Can I join please?????

2004-09-02 [Konobi]: absolutly

2004-09-03 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yeppi!!!!!

2004-09-06 [there's a bluebird in my heart]: ooh! Can I join?? I love the show ^.^

2004-09-06 [Konobi]: My goodness...everyone is wanting to join now o.o i am getting fans slowly but surely

2004-09-06 [there's a bluebird in my heart]: lol But who couldn't love the show? :D

2004-09-06 [Konobi]: And Members..pls dont forget to check out my movie of the week.

2004-09-06 [Konobi]: Anyone who wants to join or even learn about this is free to join. Tell your freinds about this wiki too ~_^

2004-09-06 [Konobi]: also, feel free to take a badge as well, but dont take the one of the Whole is too big

2004-09-06 [Dwarf Ronin]: The show is awesome.

2004-09-06 [Konobi]: Hmmm....

2004-09-06 [Konobi]: This is my plans for the wiki: I made my Mst movie of the week page, recent mst movies, now i need to make bios on each of the actors, recent actors, voices for each of the robots...this wll also become a informal page, but it will take a lot of time

2004-09-06 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yes, you do need to do that.

2004-09-06 [Konobi]: School is coming up on me...also i am moving to Nebraska pls be patient with all the changes. Themain page will also be cleaned up a bit...tis a mess right now ^_^""

2004-09-06 [Dwarf Ronin]: I'm in school.

2004-09-06 [Konobi]: Ok...i've got to do other things now on et..i wont be able to respond to most of these comments here. If you have any ideas contact my house and messege me ~_^ later

2004-09-06 [Dwarf Ronin]: Okay.

2004-09-07 [Dasner]: I LOVE mystery science theater 3000. it is hilarious. *starts to laugh as she remembers one of the shows they had on*

2004-09-07 [Konobi]: Wanna be a member? and it is also to bad that the show isnt on air anymore -sighs-

2004-09-08 [Dwarf Ronin]: ITs cool!!!!!!!

2004-09-08 [Konobi]: that i htink about it, we need a discusion page about this o.o i'll make a new link

2004-09-08 [Dwarf Ronin]: Cool, you do that.

2004-09-08 [Dasner]: *whimpers a little* i love watching that show. i wish they would bring it back.

2004-09-08 [someelf]: o.o?

2004-09-09 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yes, I wish it too.

2004-09-10 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yay, I'm a member.

2004-09-27 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: LITERALLY!!



2004-09-28 [Dwarf Ronin]: Maybe, I'm not the guy you should ask.

2004-09-28 [someelf]: nope and they guy who is, is a month away, so you'll have to wait....anther half month ;-; I miss him -whacks head on wall-

2004-09-28 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: heh, well, alright ^-^ i'll wait.. shoulda given someone the password or something >_< DOI!

2004-09-29 [someelf]: nope ask [raw10] maybe she will add you,...

2004-09-30 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: hmmm i may just do that.. later...

2004-10-01 [someelf]: lol k

2004-10-01 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yep.

2004-10-01 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: but yeah,sorry, but, joel is superior. i love joel.

2004-10-07 [Konobi]: I am back, go ahead and take a picture...but dont take the banner =P

2004-10-07 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: oh woo.. can i join?

2004-10-07 [Dwarf Ronin]: Hello everybody.

2004-10-08 [spongemonkey]: :D can I join?! I'm a true fan!!! I use to get up at like two in the morning on saturdays just to watch it!!!!!

2004-10-08 [someelf]: KONO! hiwwo!

2004-10-08 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: Huwwwwwwaarh! Add me to the darn'd list please!!! O_O on saturdays?

2004-10-08 [chasingpeace]: Can I plz be added to the list!!!??? I watch this show ALL the time!!! I even have videos! (p.s. I think you should really put the original theme song on..y'know...before Pearl came along.)and if anyone likes the show Red Dwarf thew should join my Red Dwarf wiki!!

2004-10-10 [spongemonkey]: woo!! me there!!!

2004-10-10 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: _< meanies

2004-10-10 [spongemonkey]: moose?

2004-10-10 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: moose? huh!! MEANIES!!!

2004-10-10 [Dwarf Ronin]: Okay.

2004-10-10 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: I know

2004-10-28 [Konobi]: Btw elf, you whacked you head on the wall while i was promised x.o

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